API Reference


Contains implementations of database retrieveing objects

class gitdb.db.base.ObjectDBR

Defines an interface for object database lookup. Objects are identified either by their 20 byte bin sha

Returns:True if the object identified by the given 20 bytes binary sha is contained in the database
Returns:OInfo instance
Parameters:sha – bytes binary sha

Return iterator yielding 20 byte shas for all objects in this data base

Returns:amount of objects in this database
Returns:OStream instance
Parameters:sha – 20 bytes binary sha
class gitdb.db.base.ObjectDBW(*args, **kwargs)

Defines an interface to create objects in the database

Returns:overridden output stream this instance will write to, or None if it will write to the default stream

Adjusts the stream to which all data should be sent when storing new objects

Parameters:stream – if not None, the stream to use, if None the default stream will be used.
Returns:previously installed stream, or None if there was no override
Raises:TypeError – if the stream doesn’t have the supported functionality

Create a new object in the database :return: the input istream object with its sha set to its corresponding value

Parameters:istream – IStream compatible instance. If its sha is already set to a value, the object will just be stored in the our database format, in which case the input stream is expected to be in object format ( header + contents ).
Raises:IOError – if data could not be written
class gitdb.db.base.FileDBBase(root_path)

Provides basic facilities to retrieve files of interest, including caching facilities to help mapping hexsha’s to objects

Returns:the given relative path relative to our database root, allowing to pontentially access datafiles
Returns:path at which this db operates
class gitdb.db.base.CompoundDB

A database which delegates calls to sub-databases.

Databases are stored in the lazy-loaded _dbs attribute. Define _set_cache_ to update it with your databases

Returns:tuple of database instances we use for lookups
Returns:20 byte binary sha1 from the given less-than-40 byte hexsha (bytes or str)
Parameters:partial_hexsha – hexsha with less than 40 byte
Returns:total size of all contained databases
class gitdb.db.base.CachingDB

A database which uses caches to speed-up access


Call this method if the underlying data changed to trigger an update of the internal caching structures.

Parameters:force – if True, the update must be performed. Otherwise the implementation may decide not to perform an update if it thinks nothing has changed.
Returns:True if an update was performed as something change indeed


class gitdb.db.git.GitDB(root_path)

A git-style object database, which contains all objects in the ‘objects’ subdirectory

IMPORTANT: The usage of this implementation is highly discouraged as it fails to release file-handles. This can be a problem with long-running processes and/or big repositories.


alias of LooseObjectDB


alias of PackedDB


alias of ReferenceDB

alternates_dir = 'info/alternates'
loose_dir = ''
packs_dir = 'pack'


class gitdb.db.loose.LooseObjectDB(root_path)

A database which operates on loose object files

new_objects_mode = 292
Returns:path at which the object with the given hexsha would be stored, relative to the database root

20 byte binary sha1 string which matches the given name uniquely


name – hexadecimal partial name (bytes or ascii string)

  • AmbiguousObjectName
  • BadObject
Returns:readable object path to the object identified by hexsha
Raises:BadObject – If the object file does not exist
Raises:TypeError – if the stream does not support the Sha1Writer interface

note: The sha we produce will be hex by nature

stream_chunk_size = 4096000


Contains the MemoryDatabase implementation

class gitdb.db.mem.MemoryDB

A memory database stores everything to memory, providing fast IO and object retrieval. It should be used to buffer results and obtain SHAs before writing it to the actual physical storage, as it allows to query whether object already exists in the target storage before introducing actual IO

stream_copy(sha_iter, odb)

Copy the streams as identified by sha’s yielded by sha_iter into the given odb The streams will be copied directly Note: the object will only be written if it did not exist in the target db :return: amount of streams actually copied into odb. If smaller than the amount

of input shas, one or more objects did already exist in odb


Module containing a database to deal with packs

class gitdb.db.pack.PackedDB(root_path)

A database operating on a set of object packs

Returns:list of pack entities operated upon by this database
partial_to_complete_sha(partial_binsha, canonical_length)

20 byte sha as inferred by the given partial binary sha

  • partial_binsha – binary sha with less than 20 bytes
  • canonical_length – length of the corresponding canonical representation. It is required as binary sha’s cannot display whether the original hex sha had an odd or even number of characters
  • AmbiguousObjectName
  • BadObject

Storing individual objects is not feasible as a pack is designed to hold multiple objects. Writing or rewriting packs for single objects is inefficient


Update our cache with the acutally existing packs on disk. Add new ones, and remove deleted ones. We keep the unchanged ones

Parameters:force – If True, the cache will be updated even though the directory does not appear to have changed according to its modification timestamp.
Returns:True if the packs have been updated so there is new information, False if there was no change to the pack database


class gitdb.db.ref.ReferenceDB(ref_file)

A database consisting of database referred to in a file

ObjectDBCls = None


Module with basic data structures - they are designed to be lightweight and fast

class gitdb.base.OInfo(*args)

Carries information about an object in an ODB, providing information about the binary sha of the object, the type_string as well as the uncompressed size in bytes.

It can be accessed using tuple notation and using attribute access notation:

assert dbi[0] == dbi.binsha
assert dbi[1] == dbi.type
assert dbi[2] == dbi.size

The type is designed to be as lightweight as possible.

Returns:our sha as binary, 20 bytes
Returns:our sha, hex encoded, 40 bytes
class gitdb.base.OPackInfo(*args)

As OInfo, but provides a type_id property to retrieve the numerical type id, and does not include a sha.

Additionally, the pack_offset is the absolute offset into the packfile at which all object information is located. The data_offset property points to the absolute location in the pack at which that actual data stream can be found.

class gitdb.base.ODeltaPackInfo(*args)

Adds delta specific information, Either the 20 byte sha which points to some object in the database, or the negative offset from the pack_offset, so that pack_offset - delta_info yields the pack offset of the base object

class gitdb.base.OStream(*args, **kwargs)

Base for object streams retrieved from the database, providing additional information about the stream. Generally, ODB streams are read-only as objects are immutable

class gitdb.base.OPackStream(*args)

Next to pack object information, a stream outputting an undeltified base object is provided

class gitdb.base.ODeltaPackStream(*args)

Provides a stream outputting the uncompressed offset delta information

class gitdb.base.IStream(type, size, stream, sha=None)

Represents an input content stream to be fed into the ODB. It is mutable to allow the ODB to record information about the operations outcome right in this instance.

It provides interfaces for the OStream and a StreamReader to allow the instance to blend in without prior conversion.

The only method your content stream must support is ‘read’

Returns:the error that occurred when processing the stream, or None
Returns:our sha, hex encoded, 40 bytes

Implements a simple stream reader interface, passing the read call on to our internal stream

class gitdb.base.InvalidOInfo(sha, exc)

Carries information about a sha identifying an object which is invalid in the queried database. The exception attribute provides more information about the cause of the issue

Returns:exception instance explaining the failure
class gitdb.base.InvalidOStream(sha, exc)

Carries information about an invalid ODB stream


Contains basic c-functions which usually contain performance critical code Keeping this code separate from the beginning makes it easier to out-source it into c later, if required

Returns:True the file contained in memory map m appears to be a loose object. Only the first two bytes are needed
Returns:tuple(type_string, uncompressed_size_in_bytes) the type string of the object as well as its uncompressed size in bytes.
Parameters:m – memory map from which to read the compressed object data
gitdb.fun.msb_size(data, offset=0)
Returns:tuple(read_bytes, size) read the msb size from the given random access data starting at the given byte offset
Returns:tuple(type_id, uncompressed_size_in_bytes, byte_offset) The type_id should be interpreted according to the type_id_to_type_map map The byte-offset specifies the start of the actual zlib compressed datastream
Parameters:m – random-access memory, like a string or memory map
gitdb.fun.write_object(type, size, read, write, chunk_size=4096000)

Write the object as identified by type, size and source_stream into the target_stream

  • type – type string of the object
  • size – amount of bytes to write from source_stream
  • read – read method of a stream providing the content data
  • write – write method of the output stream
  • close_target_stream – if True, the target stream will be closed when the routine exits, even if an error is thrown

The actual amount of bytes written to stream, which includes the header and a trailing newline

gitdb.fun.loose_object_header(type, size)
Returns:bytes representing the loose object header, which is immediately followed by the content stream of size ‘size’
gitdb.fun.stream_copy(read, write, size, chunk_size)

Copy a stream up to size bytes using the provided read and write methods, in chunks of chunk_size

Note: its much like stream_copy utility, but operates just using methods

gitdb.fun.apply_delta_data(src_buf, src_buf_size, delta_buf, delta_buf_size, write)

Apply data from a delta buffer using a source buffer to the target file

  • src_buf – random access data from which the delta was created
  • src_buf_size – size of the source buffer in bytes
  • delta_buf_size – size fo the delta buffer in bytes
  • delta_buf – random access delta data
  • write – write method taking a chunk of bytes

Note: transcribed to python from the similar routine in patch-delta.c

gitdb.fun.is_equal_canonical_sha(canonical_length, match, sha1)

True if the given lhs and rhs 20 byte binary shas The comparison will take the canonical_length of the match sha into account, hence the comparison will only use the last 4 bytes for uneven canonical representations

  • match – less than 20 byte sha
  • sha1 – 20 byte sha
Read the condensed delta chunk information from dstream and merge its information
into a list of existing delta chunks
Parameters:dstreams – iterable of delta stream objects, the delta to be applied last comes first, then all its ancestors in order
Returns:DeltaChunkList, containing all operations to apply
class gitdb.fun.DeltaChunkList

List with special functionality to deal with DeltaChunks. There are two types of lists we represent. The one was created bottom-up, working towards the latest delta, the other kind was created top-down, working from the latest delta down to the earliest ancestor. This attribute is queryable after all processing with is_reversed.

apply(bbuf, write)

Only used by public clients, internally we only use the global routines for performance


Verify the list has non-overlapping chunks only, and the total size matches target_size :param target_size: if not -1, the total size of the chain must be target_size :raise AssertionError: if the size doen’t match


Alter the list to reduce the amount of nodes. Currently we concatenate add-chunks :return: self

Returns:leftmost byte at which this chunklist starts
Returns:rightmost extend in bytes, absolute
Returns:size of bytes as measured by our delta chunks
gitdb.fun.create_pack_object_header(obj_type, obj_size)

string defining the pack header comprised of the object type and its incompressed size in bytes

  • obj_type – pack type_id of the object
  • obj_size – uncompressed size in bytes of the following object stream


Contains PackIndexFile and PackFile implementations

class gitdb.pack.PackIndexFile(indexpath)

A pack index provides offsets into the corresponding pack, allowing to find locations for offsets faster.

index_v2_signature = '\xfftOc'
index_version_default = 2
Returns:20 byte sha representing the sha1 hash of this index file
Returns:sequence of all offsets in the order in which they were written

Note: return value can be random accessed, but may be immmutable

Returns:20 byte sha representing the sha1 hash of the pack file
partial_sha_to_index(partial_bin_sha, canonical_length)

index as in sha_to_index or None if the sha was not found in this index file

  • partial_bin_sha – an at least two bytes of a partial binary sha as bytes
  • canonical_length – length of the original hexadecimal representation of the given partial binary sha


Returns:path to the packindexfile
Returns:index usable with the offset or entry method, or None if the sha was not found in this pack index
Parameters:sha – 20 byte sha to lookup
Returns:amount of objects referred to by this index
class gitdb.pack.PackFile(packpath)

A pack is a file written according to the Version 2 for git packs

As we currently use memory maps, it could be assumed that the maximum size of packs therefor is 32 bit on 32 bit systems. On 64 bit systems, this should be fine though.

Note: at some point, this might be implemented using streams as well, or streams are an alternate path in the case memory maps cannot be created for some reason - one clearly doesn’t want to read 10GB at once in that case

Returns:20 byte sha1 hash on all object sha’s contained in this file
Returns:list of pack streams which are required to build the object at the given offset. The first entry of the list is the object at offset, the last one is either a full object, or a REF_Delta stream. The latter type needs its reference object to be locked up in an ODB to form a valid delta chain. If the object at offset is no delta, the size of the list is 1.
Parameters:offset – specifies the first byte of the object within this pack
Returns:read-only data of this pack. It provides random access and usually is a memory map.
Note:This method is unsafe as it returns a window into a file which might be larger than than the actual window size
first_object_offset = 12
footer_size = 20

Retrieve information about the object at the given file-absolute offset

Parameters:offset – byte offset
Returns:OPackInfo instance, the actual type differs depending on the type_id attribute
pack_signature = 1346454347
pack_version_default = 2
Returns:path to the packfile
Returns:The amount of objects stored in this pack

Retrieve an object at the given file-relative offset as stream along with its information

Parameters:offset – byte offset
Returns:OPackStream instance, the actual type differs depending on the type_id attribute
Returns:iterator yielding OPackStream compatible instances, allowing to access the data in the pack directly.
Parameters:start_offset – offset to the first object to iterate. If 0, iteration starts at the very first object in the pack.

Note: Iterating a pack directly is costly as the datastream has to be decompressed to determine the bounds between the objects

Returns:the version of this pack
class gitdb.pack.PackEntity(pack_or_index_path)

Combines the PackIndexFile and the PackFile into one, allowing the actual objects to be resolved and iterated


alias of PackIndexFile


alias of PackFile


As PackFile.collect_streams, but takes a sha instead of an offset. Additionally, ref_delta streams will be resolved within this pack. If this is not possible, the stream will be left alone, hence it is adivsed to check for unresolved ref-deltas and resolve them before attempting to construct a delta stream.

Parameters:sha – 20 byte sha1 specifying the object whose related streams you want to collect
Returns:list of streams, first being the actual object delta, the last being a possibly unresolved base object.

As the version in the PackFile, but can resolve REF deltas within this pack For more info, see collect_streams

Parameters:offset – offset into the pack file at which the object can be found
classmethod create(object_iter, base_dir, object_count=None, zlib_compression=1)

Create a new on-disk entity comprised of a properly named pack file and a properly named and corresponding index file. The pack contains all OStream objects contained in object iter. :param base_dir: directory which is to contain the files :return: PackEntity instance initialized with the new pack

Note: for more information on the other parameters see the write_pack method

Returns:the underlying pack index file instance

Retrieve information about the object identified by the given sha

Parameters:sha – 20 byte sha1
Returns:OInfo instance, with 20 byte sha

As info, but uses a PackIndexFile compatible index to refer to the object

Returns:Iterator over all objects in this pack. The iterator yields OInfo instances
is_valid_stream(sha, use_crc=False)

Verify that the stream at the given sha is valid.

  • use_crc – if True, the index’ crc is run over the compressed stream of the object, which is much faster than checking the sha1. It is also more prone to unnoticed corruption or manipulation.
  • sha – 20 byte sha1 of the object whose stream to verify whether the compressed stream of the object is valid. If it is a delta, this only verifies that the delta’s data is valid, not the data of the actual undeltified object, as it depends on more than just this stream. If False, the object will be decompressed and the sha generated. It must match the given sha

True if the stream is valid

  • UnsupportedOperation – If the index is version 1 only
  • BadObject – sha was not found
Returns:the underlying pack file instance

Retrieve an object stream along with its information as identified by the given sha

Parameters:sha – 20 byte sha1
Returns:OStream instance, with 20 byte sha

As stream, but uses a PackIndexFile compatible index to refer to the object

Returns:iterator over all objects in this pack. The iterator yields OStream instances
classmethod write_pack(object_iter, pack_write, index_write=None, object_count=None, zlib_compression=1)

Create a new pack by putting all objects obtained by the object_iterator into a pack which is written using the pack_write method. The respective index is produced as well if index_write is not Non.

  • object_iter – iterator yielding odb output objects
  • pack_write – function to receive strings to write into the pack stream
  • indx_write – if not None, the function writes the index file corresponding to the pack.
  • object_count – if you can provide the amount of objects in your iteration, this would be the place to put it. Otherwise we have to pre-iterate and store all items into a list to get the number, which uses more memory than necessary.
  • zlib_compression – the zlib compression level to use

tuple(pack_sha, index_binsha) binary sha over all the contents of the pack and over all contents of the index. If index_write was None, index_binsha will be None

Note: The destination of the write functions is up to the user. It could be a socket, or a file for instance

Note: writes only undeltified objects


class gitdb.stream.DecompressMemMapReader(m, close_on_deletion, size=None)

Reads data in chunks from a memory map and decompresses it. The client sees only the uncompressed data, respective file-like read calls are handling on-demand buffered decompression accordingly

A constraint on the total size of bytes is activated, simulating a logical file within a possibly larger physical memory area

To read efficiently, you clearly don’t want to read individual bytes, instead, read a few kilobytes at least.

Note: The chunk-size should be carefully selected as it will involve quite a bit
of string copying due to the way the zlib is implemented. Its very wasteful, hence we try to find a good tradeoff between allocation time and number of times we actually allocate. An own zlib implementation would be good here to better support streamed reading - it would only need to keep the mmap and decompress it into chunks, that’s all ...

Close our underlying stream of compressed bytes if this was allowed during initialization :return: True if we closed the underlying stream :note: can be called safely

Returns:number of compressed bytes read. This includes the bytes it took to decompress the header ( if there was one )
Returns:random access compatible data we are working on
max_read_size = 524288
classmethod new(m, close_on_deletion=False)

Create a new DecompressMemMapReader instance for acting as a read-only stream This method parses the object header from m and returns the parsed type and size, as well as the created stream instance.

  • m – memory map on which to operate. It must be object data ( header + contents )
  • close_on_deletion – if True, the memory map will be closed once we are being deleted
seek(offset, whence=0)

Allows to reset the stream to restart reading :raise ValueError: If offset and whence are not 0

class gitdb.stream.FDCompressedSha1Writer(fd)

Digests data written to it, making the sha available, then compress the data and write it to the file descriptor

Note: operates on raw file descriptors Note: for this to work, you have to use the close-method of this instance

exc = IOError('Failed to write all bytes to filedescriptor',)
Raises:IOError – If not all bytes could be written
Returns:length of incoming data
class gitdb.stream.DeltaApplyReader(stream_list)

A reader which dynamically applies pack deltas to a base object, keeping the memory demands to a minimum.

The size of the final object is only obtainable once all deltas have been applied, unless it is retrieved from a pack index.

The uncompressed Delta has the following layout (MSB being a most significant bit encoded dynamic size):

  • MSB Source Size - the size of the base against which the delta was created
  • MSB Target Size - the size of the resulting data after the delta was applied
  • A list of one byte commands (cmd) which are followed by a specific protocol:
  • cmd & 0x80 - copy delta_data[offset:offset+size]
  • Followed by an encoded offset into the delta data
  • Followed by an encoded size of the chunk to copy
  • cmd & 0x7f - insert
  • insert cmd bytes from the delta buffer into the output stream
  • cmd == 0 - invalid operation ( or error in delta stream )
k_max_memory_move = 250000000
classmethod new(stream_list)

Convert the given list of streams into a stream which resolves deltas when reading from it.

Parameters:stream_list – two or more stream objects, first stream is a Delta to the object that you want to resolve, followed by N additional delta streams. The list’s last stream must be a non-delta stream.
Returns:Non-Delta OPackStream object whose stream can be used to obtain the decompressed resolved data
Raises:ValueError – if the stream list cannot be handled
seek(offset, whence=0)

Allows to reset the stream to restart reading

Raises:ValueError – If offset and whence are not 0
Returns:number of uncompressed bytes in the stream
class gitdb.stream.Sha1Writer

Simple stream writer which produces a sha whenever you like as it degests everything it is supposed to write

Returns:sha so far
Parameters:as_hex – if True, sha will be hex-encoded, binary otherwise
Raises:IOError – If not all bytes could be written
Parameters:data – byte object
Returns:length of incoming data
class gitdb.stream.FlexibleSha1Writer(writer)

Writer producing a sha1 while passing on the written bytes to the given write function

class gitdb.stream.ZippedStoreShaWriter

Remembers everything someone writes to it and generates a sha

Returns:string value from the current stream position to the end
seek(offset, whence=0)

Seeking currently only supports to rewind written data Multiple writes are not supported

class gitdb.stream.FDCompressedSha1Writer(fd)

Digests data written to it, making the sha available, then compress the data and write it to the file descriptor

Note: operates on raw file descriptors Note: for this to work, you have to use the close-method of this instance

exc = IOError('Failed to write all bytes to filedescriptor',)
Raises:IOError – If not all bytes could be written
Returns:length of incoming data
class gitdb.stream.FDStream(fd)

A simple wrapper providing the most basic functions on a file descriptor with the fileobject interface. Cannot use os.fdopen as the resulting stream takes ownership

class gitdb.stream.NullStream

A stream that does nothing but providing a stream interface. Use it like /dev/null



Module containing information about types known to the database


class gitdb.util.LazyMixin

Base class providing an interface to lazily retrieve attribute values upon first access. If slots are used, memory will only be reserved once the attribute is actually accessed and retrieved the first time. All future accesses will return the cached value as stored in the Instance’s dict or slot.

class gitdb.util.LockedFD(filepath)

This class facilitates a safe read and write operation to a file on disk. If we write to ‘file’, we obtain a lock file at ‘file.lock’ and write to that instead. If we succeed, the lock file will be renamed to overwrite the original file.

When reading, we obtain a lock file, but to prevent other writers from succeeding while we are reading the file.

This type handles error correctly in that it will assure a consistent state on destruction.

note with this setup, parallel reading is not possible


When done writing, call this function to commit your changes into the actual file. The file descriptor will be closed, and the lockfile handled.

Note can be called multiple times

open(write=False, stream=False)

Open the file descriptor for reading or writing, both in binary mode.

  • write – if True, the file descriptor will be opened for writing. Other wise it will be opened read-only.
  • stream – if True, the file descriptor will be wrapped into a simple stream object which supports only reading or writing

fd to read from or write to. It is still maintained by this instance and must not be closed directly

  • IOError – if the lock could not be retrieved
  • OSError – If the actual file could not be opened for reading

note must only be called once


Abort your operation without any changes. The file descriptor will be closed, and the lock released.

Note can be called multiple times

Returns:a file-protocol accessible memory block of the given size

Return the integer representation of the byte string. This supports Python 3 byte arrays as well as standard strings.

gitdb.util.file_contents_ro(fd, stream=False, allow_mmap=True)

read-only contents of the file represented by the file descriptor fd

  • fd – file descriptor opened for reading
  • stream – if False, random access is provided, otherwise the stream interface is provided.
  • allow_mmap – if True, its allowed to map the contents into memory, which allows large files to be handled and accessed efficiently. The file-descriptor will change its position if this is False
gitdb.util.file_contents_ro_filepath(filepath, stream=False, allow_mmap=True, flags=0)

Get the file contents at filepath as fast as possible


random access compatible memory of the given filepath

  • stream – see file_contents_ro
  • allow_mmap – see file_contents_ro
  • flags – additional flags to pass to os.open

OSError – If the file could not be opened

Note for now we don’t try to use O_NOATIME directly as the right value needs to be shared per database in fact. It only makes a real difference for loose object databases anyway, and they use it with the help of the flags parameter


A python2.4 workaround for the sha/hashlib module fiasco

Note From the dulwich project

gitdb.util.sliding_ro_buffer(filepath, flags=0)
Returns:a buffer compatible object which uses our mapped memory manager internally ready to read the whole given filepath
Returns:hexified version of sha